The thimgs I love

  • The best dogs ever: Simba, Heidi, Cujo, Angle
  • All Chevy cars and trucks are the best.
  • I love my husband Richard and my kids.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tornados that hit Texas on tuesday

On Tuesday the great state of Texas was hit by several tornadoes that hit the dallas area and one hit in Johnson county, Kaufam county, hunt county, and ellis county. My whole family lives down there. the tornadoe that hit in Kaufman county hit right behind my mam-maws house she said it was a bad one, trees were riped right out of the ground, roofs came off and fences were blown down. just think tornadoes can hit at any time or place. 

why husbands kill their wives and children

have you ever wondered why men do the things they do. i have and there are things i wish i never knew. For insteant men will kill there families if they feel like they cant protect them or if they cant provide for them. a nother reason why is if the husbands are cheating on their wives and the other lady becomes pregnant and he decides to stay with her and instead of paying child support or alamony then they think its the only was, the sad thing about it is its not only men doing it women will also do the same thing.

Monday, April 2, 2012

the hep b vaccine is it safe or not

Have you ever asked yourself is the vaccines my children really safe for them or are they doing some damage to them is some kind of way. Everytime a nurse or doctors ask me if i want my child to have their up-to-date shots i ask them what are they and what are the side effects and what kind of damages are they causing to their bodys. If they cant give me a straight answer then my children are not getting the shot or shots. over my dead body will they inject my kids with something that can cause liver damage or have a worst immune system them before. will that is what the hep b shot is doing to the newborn babies is it is killing the blood cell.

Friday, March 30, 2012

the world coming to an end

they say that the world is going to end on December 21, of this year i hope that i die quickly and not be in pain i do not think that the lord would let his people suffer like that. everyday i wake up and turn on the television or the radio they are talking about it when it gets closer to that day they will talk about it more and more. in my opion the lord him self will start taking the christian home in heaven. everyone else will have to suffer for seven years. just like the bible says.

Friday, February 10, 2012

abusive relationship

If you think your child is in a abusive relationship or marrige here is some clues to look out for. 

1. If  she starts to come around less and less.
2. If she has black and blue marks on her and she tells you that she ran into the door or I fell down the stairs
3. when she dont call or come around for a long period then you should go to her and sit her down and have a very long talk because 99% of the time she is being controlled or in a abusive relationship. have her seek proffesional help.


In the united states there is alarming increase of children who murder either their parents or friends or  just someone they know. Does the justice system try them as adults ot do they tey them as children. I think if they are old enough to know the differnce between right and wrong then they should be tryed as an adult. just like the kid that shook his baby sister to death all because of a video game should be tryed as an adult not as a juvinile.

Oklahoma prison overcrowing

One of Oklahoma's problems is the prisons being over crowed to the point the they had to release 174 inmates back in to society so they can make more room for the more violent offenters, suck as murders, child molesters, meth cooks, and child abusers. I think they should take all the child molesters and all the child abusers, amimal abusers and put them all on an island and blow them up. not let them live their lives out in prison for what they did but what ever they do to the person or child or animal, they should have done to them but 10 time worest. I know its wrong for me to think like that but that is the way i feel.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mothers who kill their young.

what is wrong with the world today. I do not understand how a mother can kill her own child.  I want to tell you about a tulsa woman that was high on drugs and put her 10 day old daughter into the washing machine and turned it on and let it go through a whole cycle. The only reason anybody for the little girl was because of the great aunt that came over to check on her. In my opion she needs to die the same way her daughter did.